
QLUCORE: Delayed CE approval suggests upcoming need for additional financing

Analys, Research

With BSI as Notified Body, Qlucore now expects to obtain CE certification for its Qlucore Diagnostics ALL application in February 2025....

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CAPSEK: Fortsatt tillväxt i Region Syd med siktet inställt på snabbväxande Region Norr

Interview, Okategoriserade

Northern CapSek Ventures (”CapSek”) rapport för det första kvartalet visade en stabil tillväxt för den befintliga portföljen av 13...

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KEBNI: Broad support for long-term revenue target but cash an increasing concern

Analys, Research

KebNi reported an 80% revenue growth in Q1’23, to SEK 10.9m, largely due to sales of satellite antennas to IAI. Despite a variety of...

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TALLINK: Återhämtning till ett nytt normalläge


ANALYSSAMARBETE MED ENLIGHT RESEARCH  Rapporten för det första kvartalet kom in över våra förväntningar och bekräftade en...

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CRUNCHFISH: Strong outlook to make 2023 a breakthrough year

Analys, Research

After an eventful 2022, Crunchfish looks to make 2023 the year where things take off. With one of the two Indian banks in the ongoing pilot...

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NANEXA: Solid progress in development into 2023, with funding needs on the horizon

Analys, Research

After positive pre-clinical results in rats with NEX-22 (for treatment of type 2 diabetes) in Q1, we now see results from phase I for...

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BONZUN: Six deals to date validate scale-up with municipalities for DTx service Evolve


On the back of the framework agreement with the Swedish Security Council (TRR) for Bonzun’s digital CBT service Evolve signed in Q4’22,...

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AGTIRA: Another Greenfood deal to drive growth

Analys, Research

In line with its ambitious growth plan, Agtira is now expanding its engagement with grocery producer and distributor Greenfood in a SEK...

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CINDRIGO HOLDINGS: Important agreements in place for geothermal power plant rollout


With a prolonged Russian cut-off from Europe, Russia’s energy war against the natural gas-dependent continental Europe has put...

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CAPSEK: Övertecknad emission i CapSeks Klash Studio


CapSeks portföljbolag Klash Studio fullbordade nyligen en emission med deltagande från CapSek samt flera namnkunniga investerare med...

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