

KEBNI: Mixed bag in Q3 – steep growth ahead

Analys, Research

Despite 29% top-line growth in Q3’23, sales were a bit soft due to a slower-than-anticipated ramp-up of deliveries to Saab. This has led...

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KEBNI: Site visit provided clarity on scale-up and insight into ScaffSense venture

Analys, Research

Our site visit to KebNi’s new production facility in Karlskoga not only showed production up and running, but also how it can scale...

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NANEXA: Variable roadmap with emphasis on NEX-22 and potential Novo Nordisk deal

Analys, Research

With the recently completed Phase 1 study for NEX-20 yielding positive results, and the widespread global interest in GLP-1, Nanexa now has...

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FREE2MOVE: High-growth niches within energy efficiency

Analys, Research

With unpredictable energy prices and an urgent green transition, the need for energy efficiency measures has never been higher. Through its...

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NANEXA: Capital raise to pursue a broad set of opportunities in 2024 and 2025

Analys, Research

As we had expected, Nanexa announced a SEK 121m rights issue, albeit at a slightly higher than expected both discount and amount. This will...

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CRUNCHFISH: Rights issue to capture the Offline Payments opportunity now rising on agenda in India

Analys, Research

Crunchfish has announced a 60% guaranteed SEK 85 million rights issue. We estimate this will extend the company’s runway almost another...

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AGTIRA: Bulking up for an eventful 2024

Analys, Research

With the upcoming 88% guaranteed SEK 80m rights issue, plus SEK 23m in credit, Agtira is gearing up to accelerate roll-out in 2024. Several...

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CRUNCHFISH: Videointervju med CEO Joachim Samuelsson om utvecklingen i Indien och viktigaste stegen framåt

Analys, Research

Efter ett första kommersiellt avtal med IDFC First Bank under sommaren arbetar Crunchfish nu intensivt med att etablera sig på den enorma...

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GRANGEX: Steep acceleration towards two permitted CO2-free iron ore projects

Analys, Research

GRÄNGESBERG EXPLORATION 2023 has proven a pivotal year for GRANGEX. Soon after the environmental court’s approval to restart...

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QLUCORE: Streamlining focus to extend financial runway

Analys, Research

In Q1’23/24, both sales of Qlucore Omics Explorer and costs were slightly higher than we expected. To extend its runway, Qlucore will...

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