

Unik och diversifierad utväxling på kryptoboomen

Analys, Analysartiklar

I takt med en smygande oro för stigande inflation har bitcoin och andra kryptovalutor klättrat till nya rekordnivåer. Hilbert erbjuder...

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Så ska Nordic Rice erövra rismarkanden med Sveriges enda risfabrik

Analys, Analysartiklar

Med en stark start på den svenska rismarknaden är Nordic Rice på god väg att nå en omsättning på 50 MSEK redan första året. Genom...

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Strong momentum in internal development behind short-term lull this quarter

Analys, Analysartiklar

KebNi’s reporting continues to have an emphasis on the company’s comprehensive internal work. The sales organization reached full...

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Legit greenwashing for dirty industrials with Sofi’s next level microfiltration

Analys, Analysartiklar

The problem with industrial wastewater has grown, as political and public forces demand better care of natural resources....

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Scaffolding focus in new vertical with great potential

Analys, Analysartiklar

A patent application for KebNi’s first proprietary inertial sensing application opens the door to an entirely new vertical offering...

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FREE2MOVE: Another step up the PropTech value chain

Analys, Research

With two noteworthy deals in Q2, a comprehensive agreement for digital management with Pareto Business Management and developing and...

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FREE2MOVE: Slow start to 2025 but with a sharp uptick in early Q2

Analys, Research

Somewhat surprising, the QoQ reduction in order backlog from SEK 23m in Q4’23 to SEK 15m in Q1’24 was less than revenues of SEK 6.3m in...

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Intervju vd Henrik Jerner: Foodtech, AI och open banking tekniktrender att hålla koll på 2021

Analys, Analysartiklar

Northern CapSek Ventures avslutade förra året med en värdeutveckling på 35 procent per år sedan starten 2018. Vi tog ett samtal med vd...

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Continued steps towards comprehensive upshift

Analys, Analysartiklar

KEBNI While the announcements of deliveries to IAI and Saab suggest the company is holding its schedule for the year, we see multiple...

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KebNi investing in payback from 2022

Analys, Analysartiklar

KEBNI With a strong bet on inertial sensors (IMU) in addition to the SAAB deal and increased sales efforts on satellite antennas, we see...

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