QLUCORE: Long term potential clouded by likely capital raise
With stable sales in H1’23/24, Qlucore has continued on the revised, more concentrated path announced in Q1, accompanied by a
With stable sales in H1’23/24, Qlucore has continued on the revised, more concentrated path announced in Q1, accompanied by a
In Q1’23/24, both sales of Qlucore Omics Explorer and costs were slightly higher than we expected. To extend its runway,
With BSI as Notified Body, Qlucore now expects to obtain CE certification for its Qlucore Diagnostics ALL application in February
The progress in Q3’22/23 (Nov–Jan) continues to support the long term case we’re seeing in Qlucore, where the company aims
READ EMERGERS’ EQUITY RESEARCH ON QLUCORE HERE QLUCORE: At the vanguard of both oncology research and life science M&A With
With a strong trend in oncology and life science R&D in favour of precision medicine, data analysis and AI, Qlucore
After the strong growth in Q1’22/23, sales bounced back in Q2’22/23, right in line with our forecast. With the process
While the business side of Qlucore is moving steady forward, with 67% growth, two new Qlucore Insight license deals and
Med en försäljningstillväxt på 9% under 2021/22 (Maj-April) ligger fokus på Qlucore nu på CE-märkningen av Diagnosticsplattformen under 2023. Därefter
QLUCORE Despite the pressure seen on the tech and life science sectors in the past six months, we note there
Drivet av sin visualiseringsbaserade programvara för forskningsinriktad dataanalys kunde Qlucore rapportera 50% tillväxt och en mindre rörelsevinst i Q3’21/22, samtidigt
Med den disruptiva explosion av data som blivit tillgänglig för vetenskapen, om exempelvis vår arvsmassa på molekylär nivå, siktar Qlucore
CEO: Carl-Johan Ivarsson
LIST: First North
WEB: https://www.qlucore.com/
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