GRANGEX: PEA confirmns robust economics for Sydvaranger – mapping the road to financial close in H2’25
With the release of a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) for the restart of the Sydvaranger mine, GRANGEX now has more
With the release of a Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) for the restart of the Sydvaranger mine, GRANGEX now has more
With the dust settling after the acquisition of Sydvaranger and the updated DFS for Dannemora in Q2’24, the next steps
The announcement of the updated DFS for Dannemora showed, as expected, higher CAPEX and OPEX compared to the FS announced
With a striking renegotiation of the final purchase agreement for Sydvaranger, reducing the initial payment from USD 1+19m to USD
With the SEK 74 m (estimated 61m net) proceeds from the rights issue, we now look forward to the updated
GRÄNGESBERG EXPLORATION Hours before the Christmas weekend, GRANGEX announced a Royalty and off-take agreement with Anglo American of USD 5m
GRÄNGESBERG EXPLORATION Facing delays in both financing and operational development, the current cash at SEK 43.6m means that GRANGEX must
GRÄNGESBERG EXPLORATION 2023 has proven a pivotal year for GRANGEX. Soon after the environmental court’s approval to restart Dannemora, GRANGEX
GRÄNGESBERG EXPLORATION The Land and Environmental Court has now granted GRANGEX the permit for mining operations at Dannemora, meaning that
GRÄNGESBERG EXPLORATION After the DFS for Dannemora in Dec 2022 showing an IRR of 27% after tax, GRANGEX has now
GRÄNGESBERG EXPLORATION The ongoing preparations for the DFS of Dannemora has now yielded its second upwards revision, a 16% increase
As a result of the ongoing preparations of the DFS for Dannemora, GRANGEX now reports an upwards revision of the
With a structural long-term growth in demand for green CO2 free iron ore and a medium-term supply crisis following the
PFS för Dannemora visar goda förutsättningar att starta en koldioxidfri gruvproduktion av ett höghaltigt järnmalmskoncentrat på 68% som når kraven
Scopingstudien av Apatitprojektet visade en betydligt bättre kalkyl än vi räknat med, delvis drivet av en kraftig uppgång i fosforpriset.
Pegrocos åtagande om att partiellt garantera finansieringen sänker risken i caset och sänder en särskilt positiv signal då man åtar
Den nyliga scoping-studien visar att Dannemora kommer kunna producera 68% järnmalmskoncentrat, en koncentration som endast 4% av världens producenter klarar
Den nyliga scoping-studien ger tillsammans med rusningen i järnmalmspriset stöd för en IRR på 37% för Dannemora samtidigt som den
Resultaten från anrikningstesterna i GRANGEX pågående scoping-studie visar potential för en mer höghaltig produkt än tidigare väntat, vilket i framtiden
CEO: Christer Lindqvist
LIST: Nordic SME
WEB: https://grangesbergexploration.se/
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