
Författare: johan@emergers.se

QLUCORE: Structural growth story on track with a slight expansion of long-term scope

Analys, Research

After the strong growth in Q1’22/23, sales bounced back in Q2’22/23, right in line with our forecast. With the process to CE marking of...

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KEBNI: New targets reflect high conviction in strong growth across the board in 2023-2027

Analys, Research

The announcement of KebNi’s revised strategy and financial targets for 2023-2027 reflect a firm conviction in steady long term growth...

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KEBNI: On track to scale up in 2023

Analys, Research

KebNi’s Q3-report provided some further insight into the progress made in setting up volume series production within Inertial Sensing,...

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SIMRIS ALG: Ready to execute on a three-pronged roadmap to capture the most high-value opportunities

Analys, Research

Following the successful acquisition of Cyano Biotech GmbH in Q3, Simris is now moving forward with a three-pronged approach to value...

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DLABORATORY: Strong growth and positive EBITDA a welcome shift in pace

Analys, Research

With a steep increase in revenue, 35% recurring revenue growth, turn to positive EBITDA of SEK 2.2m and a forward-leaning statement from...

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TRADING IDEA – Short DAX – Stage set for a pullback   


Image credit: TradingView Trading idea – Short DAX – Stage set for a pullback    After the strength seen across the...

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NANEXA: Charging to enter triple clinical trials in the coming year

Analys, Research

Besides starting its third proprietary development project in Q2 (NEX-22, a long-acting formulation of liraglutide for treatment of type 2...

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KEBNI: Saab order the portal to next level for KebNi

Analys, Research

With the SEK 76m volume order for IMUs from Saab, KebNi now enters the next level of monetising its IMU technology. The order however only...

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GRANGEX: Upwards revision of reserves accompanied by strong macro backdrop

Analys, Research

GRÄNGESBERG EXPLORATION The ongoing preparations for the DFS of Dannemora has now yielded its second upwards revision, a 16% increase in...

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NANEXA: New project NEX-22 to add significant daily benefits for 50m patient market

Analys, Research

Nanexa’s next proprietary development project, NEX-22, is a long-acting formulation of liraglutide for treatment of type 2 diabetes...

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