
Författare: johan@emergers.se

BONZUN: Six deals to date validate scale-up with municipalities for DTx service Evolve


On the back of the framework agreement with the Swedish Security Council (TRR) for Bonzun’s digital CBT service Evolve signed in Q4’22,...

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CAPSEK: Övertecknad emission i CapSeks Klash Studio


CapSeks portföljbolag Klash Studio fullbordade nyligen en emission med deltagande från CapSek samt flera namnkunniga investerare med...

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Interview | SIMRIS GROUP: CEO Julian Read about venture into ADCs and CDMO deal with Lonza Ltd


Interview with SIMRIS GROUP CEO Julian Read about the venture into ADCs, the CDMO deal with Lonza Ltd and where he expects that Simris...

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GRANGEX: Anglo American-deal provides significant validation and financing for ambitious growth plan

Analys, Research

GRÄNGESBERG EXPLORATION After the DFS for Dannemora in Dec 2022 showing an IRR of 27% after tax, GRANGEX has now signed a two-fold deal...

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Video Interview | KEBNI: Targeting capacity of 10,000 IMUs per year in 2025

Analys, Research

With another NLAW order to Saab from Finland of SEK 400m, KebNi is now targeting a production capacity of 10,000 IMUs by 2025 and expect...

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QLUCORE: Important milestone passed on the road to a more individualized cancer care

Analys, Research

The progress in Q3’22/23 (Nov–Jan) continues to support the long term case we’re seeing in Qlucore, where the company aims to provide...

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KEBNI: Great NLAW backdrop yet to translate to the KebNi share

Analys, Research

With another NLAW order, from Finland of SEK 400m, Saab’s delivery timeline support a revenue scenario for KebNi that exceeds its own...

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BONZUN: Evolve to drive doubling of revenues in 2023

Analys, Research

After a comprehensive adjustment of business focus, balance sheet, costs and valuation in 2022, along with a recent restocking of the...

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CAPSEK: Ökade investeringar och flertal nyheter i pipeline för CapSek i vår

Interview, Okategoriserade

Efter stora förändringar av både värdena på portföljinnehaven såväl som själva portföljen lägger Northern CapSek Ventures AB ett...

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SIMRIS ALG: Transforming to build an integrated multi-vertical microalgae and cyanobacteria company  

Analys, Research

Simris’ expanded objective to leverage the acquisition of Cyano Biotech in Q3’22, enter the high-value biopharma space and build a...

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